
Minos is the president of Krete and Ari's father. While he loves his daughter, Minos is a man with supreme ambition and a ruthless core; there seems to be nothing he won't sacrifice to achieve power and please the gods, but a long-buried secret threatens to be his undoing.


Gods monument vandalized[]

Minos is outraged after the Gods' monument is vandalized, which he suspects the Trojans to be responsible for, so he sits down with Hecuba and Andromache for questioning, but they insist they had no involvement. Nevertheless, Minos offers to pardon the other six if the leader turns himself in. Should they fail to do so, the six will be sentenced to death via the Minotaur. While confessing his sins to Hera, Minos is visited by Poseidon, who comes to ensure that the Trojan 7 will be punished for their actions. Ultimately, Minos decides to spare them at Ari's behest. However, he is forced to call for their execution after receiving another visit from Poseidon.[1]

Killing his son[]

Minos is instructed by Poseidon and Hera to kills his son. He pleads with them to not force him, but should he refuse or fail, they threaten to take Ari and torture her.[2]

Minos releases Glaucus from his cell with intentions on killing him with the knife gifted to him by Hera. Unbeknownst to him, Daedalus and Ari are down there. Daedalus is killed but Glaucus spares Ari. She takes his mask off, at which point, Minos arrives and charges at Glaucus, who momentarily has the upper hand until Minos manages to grab his knife and kill Glaucus, stabbing him in his upper body before slitting his throat. Minos explains that he had to defy his prophecy to protect their family, but it's then that Ari realizes that her father got the prophecy wrong. The first child to draw breath is said to kill him dead. While Glaucus was born first, he was blue, and it was Ari who came out screaming. She then proceeds to kill her father with the same blade he just used to kill her brother.[3]


Season 1[]

Behind the scenes[]


